Why AECC's Test Prep Classes?
- Ace the language tests and secure admissions to top global universities.
- Our experienced tutors tailor instruction to your unique needs.
- Elevate your scores with targeted strategies and expert guidance.
- Improve your language skills to excel in these exams.
- Access cheat sheets and study materials for easy exam success.
- Enhance your skills with mock tests that gives you an idea of what to expect.
Free cheatsheets for different topics
- Vocabulary list with over 500+ important words for easy learning
- Speaking Templates to ace the Speaking Test
- Writing Templates to excel on the Writing Section

1-1 Personal Guidance
- 1-on-1 coaching with expert tutor
- Get a personalised study plan
- Receive personalized coaching from an expert tutor
- Access your tailored study plan to boost your chances of clearing the exams
- In-depth insights on your test performance to figure out your strength & weakness
AECC Study Room & Lab
- Cheat-sheets and study material
- Mock tests with in-depth analysis
- Benefit from cheat sheets and study materials
- Sharpen your skills through mock tests with in-depth analysis
- Section-wise and full-length tests with explanations & right answers

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